Additional Program

Dinner Tuesday to Saturday | Studierendenhaus

Open Space If you need an additional room or support please contact the Conference Office. Room 126 is opened during the conference for creative use.

Get-Together Every evening bar in the KOZ, except Wednesday

Bookstand by Karl Marx Bookstore, Tuesday to Friday, 17:00-20:00, Studierendenhaus

The following room numbers relate to the numbering at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt, Campus Bockenheim; see map below

Tuesday, 16. August 2011

16:00 Opening Session & Keynote, Heide Gerstenberger | Room H VI

Wednesday, 17. August 2011

11:30 Mediterranean Movements and the Europeanization of Migratio Policy Between ‚Autonomy of Migration‘ and ‚Fortress Europe‘, Round table with Karl Kopp, Bernd Kasparek & Anke Strüver | Room H3

14:00 #Spanish Revolution - Mediterranean Revolutions? Emancipatory Struggles and Enactments of Resistance, Round table with Michael Janoschka, Ramón Espinar, Jorge Sequera, Vasilis Avdikos & Pedram Shahyar | Room H 3

16:00 ICCG Organizing Plenary | Room H VI

17:30 Gender in Critical Geography, Networking Meeting, organized by Bettina Büchler & Dörte Segebart | Room 302

18:00 Bloodland: geographies of and critical geographical responses to the 22/7 events in Norway, Roundtable | Room 114

17:30-19:00 Self-Organized Poster Session - Show & Tell, organized by Diana Dushkova | Room H VI

20:00 Recht auf Stadt, Podiumsdiskussion mit Anne Vogelpohl, Sybille Bauriedl & Andrej Holm | ExZess, Leipziger Str. 91

22:00 Squat Bar, Bar evening | ivi, Kettenhofweg 130

Thursday, 18. August 2011

Afternoon Excursions

13:00 Gender in Critical Geography, Networking Lunch | Café Albatros, Kiesstrasse 27

17.30 Academia meets Activism, Vernetzungstreffen für Aktive und Interessierte, organisiert von Bettina Köhler | Room 302

19:00 Bahnhofsviertelnacht, Railway Quarter Festival (not organized by ICCG team)

20:00 The Tea Parties in the U.S. and the far right under
, Lecture with Peter Marcuse | Club Voltaire, Kleine Hochstraße 5, U6/7 Alte Oper

Friday, 19. August 2011

11:30 Antizionism: a geopolitical type of Anti-Semitism? Some notes on the debate about Israel in the German left, Lecture with Daniel Keil | Room H 1

16:00 Keynote Alex, Alex Demirović | Room H VI

17:30 ICCG Organizing Plenary | Room H VI

20:00 ICCG Bar, Bar evening with music| Studierendenhaus

Saturday, 20. August 2011

13:00 Closing Plenary |Room H VI

14:00 ICCG Steering Group Meeting | Room H VI



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