INURA - International Network for Urban Research and Action
INURA is a network of people involved in action and research in localities and cities. The Network consists of activists and researchers from community and environmental groups, universities, and local administrations, who wish to share experiences and to participate in common research. Examples of the issues that Network members are involved in include: major urban renewal projects, the urban periphery, community-led environmental schemes, urban traffic and transport, inner city labour markets, do-it-yourself culture, and social housing provision. In each case, the research is closely tied to, and is a product of, local action and initiative.
INURA is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with a self-organizing, non-hierarchical, decentralized structure.
For more information on the international network see:
Each year the international network meets at a rather informal conference and retreat in different places around the world.
In the meantime local groups work on different issues in their cities.
An opportunity to get in contact is the ICCG open space session "Academia meets activism - Vernetzungstreffen für Aktive
und Interessierte, Thursday, 18. August 2011, 17.30 | Room 302
INURA is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with a self-organizing, non-hierarchical, decentralized structure.
For more information on the international network see:
Each year the international network meets at a rather informal conference and retreat in different places around the world.
In the meantime local groups work on different issues in their cities.
An opportunity to get in contact is the ICCG open space session "Academia meets activism - Vernetzungstreffen für Aktive
und Interessierte, Thursday, 18. August 2011, 17.30 | Room 302
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