Theme 6: Geopolitics, Biopolitics, and the Critical Spaces of the Political
Keywords: critical geopolitics, biopolitics, borders/security, war on terror, camp(s), imperialism, military geographies, counter cartographies, critical theory and/in space, spatial theory and totalitarianism, critical spatial theory and planning, revolution and space …
Questions concerning the relationship between the 'geo', the 'bio' and the 'political' have a long history in political geography that leads back to scholars such as Rudolf Kjellén, Friedrich Ratzel and Halford Mackinder. The last decade, however, has witnessed the emergence of (and the need for) a more critical engagement with some of these questions, especially after the so called 'war on terror' was launched. If we take Yves Lacoste’s claim that geography is first and foremost an art of war seriously, then critical geography/geographers need to develop novel theories and practices in order to better understand and to better engage politically with the current state of emergency. We see this theme as opening up alternative spaces for such practical and/or theoretical interventions. We invite proposals for special (and creative) sessions and individual papers that address (though not limited to) the following themes: critical geopolitics, biopolitics, borders/security, war on terror, camp(s), imperialism, military geographies, counter cartographies, critical theory and/in space, spatial theory and totalitarianism, critical spatial theory and planning, revolution and space.
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rageo - 14. Mär, 12:27 Article 5043x read
Nike Lunarglide