Additional Program

Samstag, 13. August 2011

link_ikon_rot Academia meets Activism - Vernetzungstreffen für Aktive und Interessierte

Netzwerke und Initiativen aktivistischer und/oder kritischer akademischer Stadt- und Raum-Interessierter (gesa mmelt auf dem Vernetzungstreffen „Academia meets Activism“ im Rahmen der ICCG 2011) 1. INURA Gegründet 1991 Stadtforscher_innen + Aktivist_innen Jährliche internationale Konferenz + lokale Gruppen Aktuelles internationales Projekt: New Metropolitan Mainstream-Projekt (Städtevergleich) www.inur ...

Dienstag, 9. August 2011

link_ikon_rot Dinner on Tuesday

On Tuesday, 16 August, the conference program starts at 4 pm (sharp!) with an introduction, the Keynote by Heide Gerstenberger on "State, Capital, Crisis", and some brief words about the place where we meet, the Bockenheim campus of Goethe University. Afterwards, dinner will start at 6:30 pm already and there will be drinks (cheap, but not for free, sorry ...)

link_ikon_rot Roundtable Discussion: Bloodland - geographies of and critical geographical responses to the 22/7 events in Norway

Following the dreadful events of 22/07 in Norway an additional roundtable session entitled: "Bloodland - geographies of and critical geographical responses to the 22/7 events in Norway" will bring together a range of panelist and an interested audience to discuss the events from a critical geographical perspective. Time: Wednesday, 17 August, 18:00-19:00 Room: 114 Panelists: Robina Mohammad (University ...

Freitag, 5. August 2011

link_ikon_rot Bookstand at the conference

We are very happy that our friends from the Karl Marx Bookstore (http://www.karl-marx-buch will host a bookstand every day of the conference between 5 and 8 pm at the Studierendenhaus. If anyone wants to have books that you bring along displayed, feel free to contact them!

Freitag, 22. Juli 2011

link_ikon_rot #spanishrevolution – Mediterranean revolutions? - Emancipatory Struggles and Enactments of Resistance

Roundtable discussion August 17th, 2011: 14.00-15.30 Goethe-Univers ität Frankfurt aM, Campus Bockenheim, Room H 3 Chair: Michael Janoschka Department of Political Science Universidad Autónoma de Madrid michael.janoschka (a) http://www.michael- Participants : Ramón Espinar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Jorge Sequera, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Vasilis Avdikos, University ...

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011

link_ikon_rot Additional Program

Dinner Tuesday to Saturday | Studierendenhaus Open Space If you need an additional room or support please contact the Conference Office. Room 126 is opened during the conference for creative use. Get-Together Every evening bar in the KOZ, except Wednesday Bookstand by Karl Marx Bookstore, Tuesday to Friday, 17:00-20:00, Studierendenhaus The following room numbers relate to the numbering at the ...

Montag, 18. Juli 2011

link_ikon_rot Networking Meeting “Gender in Critical Geography” at the ICCG in Frankfurt

At the Critical Geographers' Conference in Frankfurt 16–20 August 2011, the AK Geographie und Geschlecht (German Commission on Geography and Gender) organizes a networking meeting “Gender in Critical Geography”. This open space event offers critical geographers with an interest in feminist geography and gender issues the opportunity to meet for a semi-formal exchange on current projects, research, ...