If you don't have a private accommodation in Frankfurt during the ICCG you maybe want to book a hotel room. Because it is much cheaper to book a double room you can use this blog to find a roommate.
  1. Note that this blog can be potentially read by everyone, why you should post only your necessary contact details.
  2. You have to login yourself with the information you have received from us. You can find the "login"-button in the menu on the left side.
  3. After logging in the "Contributor Menü" appears beneath the "RSS Summary" Box in the bar on the left. There you choose "Neuen Beitrag anlegen"
  4. Enter a "Titel" according to the following schemes for your request:
    "[search] period of stay" or "[offer] period of stay"
  5. Add your contact details and other necessary information (hotel etc.). For editing the text use the grayed out menu.
  6. IMPORTANT: Below the text-insert-box you'll find a drop-down menu which is titled "Wähle ein Thema..." in which you have to choose "Accommodation".
  7. Then you can submit your article by pressing the button "Veröffentlichen"

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