Since our efforts to find free accomodation at the homes of our friends yields limited space in a city with such high rents as Frankfurt, we tried to find some more cheap places in Frankfurt for you.

There are several hostels with shared rooms around 20 Euro / Person per night, depending on size of the dorm:
currently offers a 4-room-dorm with Breakfast for 22 Euro / Person / night
offers different room types:
Bed in 8-10 Bed-Dorm 22,50 €
Bed in 4 Bed-Dorm with sink 25,50 €

Bed in 4 Bed-Dorm with shower 30,00 €
Bed in 2 Bed-Dorm with sink 31,00 €
Bed in 2 Bed-Dorm with shower 36,00 €


You can rent a CAMPER for 60 Euro / Person per week (plus 25 Euros for cleaning)

Or you can even put up a TENT for 6,50 EUR / Person per day (plus 4 Euros for the tent and 1,10 Euros for a shower); but please be aware that the weather is not very good this summer and we have a lot of rain.

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