Corrigendum - Corrections to the printed program [14.08.2011]

Program Program August PDF

Theme 1: Financial, Economic and Fiscal Crisis

Session 3 | Wednesday 14:00 | Finances and the real economy in Latin America
Féliz Mariano has withdrawn
new Paper | Understanding the foreign trade in postneoliberal Argentina: Economic growth and uneven geographical development, by Gonzalo Julián Yurkievich

Session 4 | Thursday 09:30 | Finances and the real economy
new Paper | Economic development zone in Tianjin and its Empirical Evidence for the Theory of World Free Economic Zones, by Meng Guangwen

Session 8 | Friday 14:00 | Crisis and the future of Capitalism
Eric Sheppard has withdrawn

Theme 2: Urban Crisis

Session 6 | Friday 09:30 | Urban Activism: Alternatives to the Neoliberalism I
New Chair | Patricia Eugenia Olivera

Session 7 | Friday 11:30 | Urban Activism: Alternatives to the Neoliberalism II
New Chair | Till Paasche

Session 9 | Saturday 09:30 | Urban Mobility: Planning and Politics
Alícia Bauzà van Slingerlandt has withdrawn

Session 9 | Saturday 09:30 | Contested Spaces
Gisli Palsson & Joanne Hudson have withdrawn

Theme 3: Ecological Crisis

Session 4 | Thursday 09:30 | Knowledge production, governance, agents and practices

Session 5 | Thursday 11:30 | (New Title) Knowledge production, governance, agents and practices
New Paper | Reading for difference: Ecosystem Services as Neoliberal Natures?, by Sophie Wynne-Jones
New Paper | Political Ecology, “Natural” Disaster and Post-Disaster Reconstruction, by Chen Yi-fong

Session 6 | Friday 09:30 | Climate change, agriculture, migration
Giovanni Bettini has withdrawn
New Paper | On the Political Ecology of Climate Change and Conflict, by Kristina Dietz & Bettina Engels

Session 7 | Friday 11:30 | Conflicts on climate change

Theme 4: Subjectivities - in Crisis?

Session 3 | Wednesday 14:00 | Neoliberalism and Risk
Judith Miggelbrink has withdrawn

Session 7 | Friday 11:30 | Politics of Identity
Matthias Lahr-Kurten has withdrawn

Theme 5: Oppositional Struggles

Session 1 | Wednesday 09:30 | Subaltern Struggles in South Asia
Ragnhild Lund, Smita Mishira Panda & Anirban Acharya have withdrawn

Session 2 | Wednesday 11:30 | Producing the Urban Commons I
New Chair | Andrew Pusey

Session 3 | Wednesday 14:00 | Producing the Urban Commons II
Colin McFarlane has withdrawn
New Chair | Katie Meehan

Session 5 | Thursday 11:30 | Film on Transnational Activism
New by Irene Vales-Torres

Session 7 | Friday 11:30 | Social Movements and the Crisis II
Session 8 (Social Movements and the Crisis III) is integrated in Session 7, in addition to the speakers of Session 8 comes the Paper Mind the Local: Opposition to Istanbul's Globalisation Project, by Erbatur Çavuşoğlu & Murat Cemal Yalçıntanm Mimar

Session 8 | Friday 14:00 | Social Movements and the Crisis III

Theme 6: Geopolitics, Biopolitics, and the Critical Spaces of the Political

Session 7 | Friday 11:30 | Spaces of the political
New on Thursday 13:00, Room H 6

Theme 8: Universities / Geography in Crisis

Session 1 | Wednesday 09:30 | Feminist Geography, Neoliberalism, and the Academy
New Chair | Doerte Segebart

Session 5 | Friday 09:30 | Critical Geography in Neoliberal Times II: Teaching and Restructuring
Nina Gribat has withdrawn

Session 6 | Thursday 11:30 | Practices of International Geography - the IGU and its alternatives
Jeronimo Montero has withdrawn

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