Theme 10: Europe and its Others?

Keywords: Questioning 'Europe' and 'Europeanization'; Europe's borders and beyond; European geopolitics/Europe in the World; Geo-histories of European imperialism and colonisation; Europes elsewhere and Europe's elsewheres …

What do we mean by the term ‘Europe’ today? This theme invites session and paper proposals that engage with the changing geographies of Europe and its ‘place’ in today’s world. We are especially interested in critical contributions that question taken for granted understandings of ‘Europe’ and ‘Europeanization’.
Possible topics include (though are not limited to):
  • Geo-histories of European imperialism and colonisation
  • Europe’s Others, past and present
  • European Geopolitics/the role of Europe in the World
  • The changing nature of Europe’s borders

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