Theme 5: Oppositional Struggles Worldwide

Keywords: identity, gender, labor, urban, migrants’ struggles, organizing …

In the wake of the global financial crisis, there is a pressing need to critically map the emerging terrain of oppositional struggles. Understandings of the crisis remain dominated by capital-centred approaches. This set of sessions provide an opportunity to develop a much more multi-faceted engagement with the politics of crisis, situating the financial crisis within a much broader contestation of neoliberal globalization. Seeking to go beyond the celebratory accounts of the alter-globalisation movement, we are looking for sessions, papers and other engagements that take stock of alternatives emerging in the current conjuncture.

We are particularly interested in contributions that reflect the diverse geographical contexts of struggle and engage with the following key issues:
  • The politics of emerging alternatives to neoliberalism
  • Possibilities and experiences of transnational solidarities
  • Local articulations of oppositional and alternative politics
  • Oppositional politics of gender, race, sexuality
  • Contesting the crisis
  • Geographies of labour and social movements
We would particularly encourage non-academic contributions from those active in struggles, social movements and trade unions.

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Lunarglide 3 (Gast) - 3. Mai, 05:44

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